

MEDLIFE app thumbnail

MEDLIFE is a mobile marketplace application developed to address specific needs that became prominent with the advent of COVID-19. It focuses on the online sale of prescription medications, aiming to provide a secure and efficient platform for users, with a particular emphasis on benefiting the elderly population.

This project employs agile methodologies such as Solo Scrum and Extreme Programming, which are well-suited for mobile app development. The goal is to create a secure, stable, functional, and testable application that offers positive societal impact.

  • Secure online marketplace for prescription medications
  • Developed using agile methodologies (Solo Scrum, Extreme Programming)
  • Focus on user security and ease of use, especially for elderly users
  • Designed to address needs highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • PlatformAndroid
  • StackJava, Firebase
  • Source CodePrivate Repository
  • Last update2023/08/07
  • DocumentationPrivate Access Only

High-Fidelity Prototypes

These high-fidelity prototypes were created using Figma, showcasing the app's user interface and key features. They demonstrate the app's focus on user-friendly design, particularly for elderly users, and the secure process for purchasing prescription medications.

Key Features

  • Secure user authentication and prescription verification
  • Easy-to-use interface designed with elderly users in mind
  • Secure payment processing for medication purchases
  • Integration with local pharmacies for medication fulfillment
  • Reminder system for medication schedules and refills
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